NDVI Meter/Green Seeker

NDVI Meter/Green Seeker

NDVI Meter/Green Seeker Model CM 1000 NDVI :
  • “Point-and-shoot” technology to instantly measure red (660 nm) and near infrared (840 nm) spectral bands
  • Detects stress earlier than visual monitoring
  • Computes Normalized Difference Vegetative Index (NDVI)
  • Laser guides outline the edges of the measured sample area
  • Records 3,250 measurements (1,350 with added GPS/DGPS option)
  • Inbuilt battery and LCD display

NDVI Sensor (Green seeker) Model S2-112-SS :
  • Designed to use for on-spot measurements or long-time monitoring in field conditions.
  • The S2-112-SS NDVI downward-looking sensor is a unique two-channel sensor for measuring 650 nm (Red) and 810 nm (NIR) and is self-powered. The sensor features a rugged, aluminum housing that is fully-submersible and built to withstand harsh conditions.
  • The sensor cable includes an IP68 marine-grade stainless-steel cable connector to simplify sensor removal and replacement from permanent installations for maintenance and calibration.
  • Typical applications of NDVI sensors include measuring monitoring plant canopies. NDVI is related to leaf area of the plant canopy and canopy chlorophyll content of leaves and is often used to monitor greenness.
  • The analog version of this sensor (S2-112) comes with the inline cable connector placed 30 cm from the sensor head for either standard use as a long-cable pigtail sensor, or for use with our microCache Bluetooth Micro Logger (Model AT-100)