Dissolved Oxygen System

Dissolved Oxygen System

Dissolved Oxygen System Model OX1LP :
  • The OX1LP Dissolved Oxygen Packages are based on the use of polarographic dissolved oxygen electrodes and may be used to measure photosynthesis and/or respiration in the aqueous phase, using suspensions of plant cells, animals, organelles (chloroplasts and mitochondria) and algae. These packages may also be used to monitor chemical and biochemical reactions that either produce or consume O2 in the aqueous phase. The Dissolved Oxygen Package comes complete with all of the instruments, accessories, software, data acquisition interface and manuals for the instructor and the student.
  • The OX1LP Dissolved Oxygen Packages are available with DO electrodes of different volumes from 100ul (flow-through) to 50 ml. The O2 electrode within the water-jacketed cuvette may be used for measurements of O2 consumption (or production) by biological samples or enzymatic reactions. Calibration is a simple 2-point process, and all the required accessories for calibration are supplied as part of the package.
  • The Dissolved Oxygen Package provides excellent accuracy and a resolution of 0.03% O2 (where air saturated water = 100%). Dissolved O2 values may be expressed in any desired units (mg/L; % dissolved O2; ppm etc) based on a simple calibration procedure. The water jacket allows calibrations and experiments to be carried out at the same temperature, or a simple temperature correction can be made in software for measurements made at different temperatures.