Photosynthesis System

Photosynthesis System with/PAM Fluorometer

  • Inbuilt control of CO2, H2O, Temp. Light etc.
  • Windows based touch screen display to quick visualization of all parameters, easy to control the environmental parameters; easy to operate etc.
  • GFS-3000 gives you option to select upper or lower half of cuvette(Leaf) for measurements
  • Flow can control from 0-1500 µmol S-1
  • CO2 controller – in built. & can monitor CO2 supply. 1 CO2 Cartridge lasts for continuous operation of up to 48 hours and reserved CO2 can be used for another day’s /months’ experiments.
  • H2O control range: 0 – 100 % RH
  • IRGA mounted in console, optical path 20 cm
  • 4 temperature sensor – 2 for Upper & Lower leaf/Air chamber, 1 thermocouple for leaf temperature, 1 for external air temperature
  • 3-way Temperature control of GFS-3000: 10oC below ambient temperature to 50oC
  • 3 PAR sensors: Two for inside leaf/cuvette (upper & lower); 1 for Ambient
  • Standard Fluorescence attachment with GFS-3000FL, which gives you option to measure PS-II chlorophyll fluorescence in controlled light condition or in dark adapted condition on same leaf areas.
  • Option for recalculation of stored data with other parameters.
  • Oxygen sensor for recording of actual oxygen concentration during Photosynthesis (optional)
  • Chlorophyll fluorescence and Photosynthesis measurement can be done on same leaf area i.e. 8 cm2..(where Standard leaf area is 8 cm2 for photosynthesis measurements)
  • Optional: various Fluorescence Attachment (For Photosystem-II, Photosystem-II & I, Fluorescence with Images etc.)
  • Additional Products Details : Click Here