Pyranometer & Net-Radiometer

Pyranometer/Albedometer :

  • High-accuracy short wave radiation measurements for environmental applications and photovoltaic systems.
  • Two types of pyranometers : Silicon-cell models and Thermopile pyranometers.
  • Both products are now ISO 9060:2018 Class C rated (previously known as second class).
  • Silicon-cell solar radiation sensor models are excellent for applications that do not require the higher accuracy and cost of a thermopile pyranometer.
  • Thermopilepyranometers feature a blackbody thermopile detector, which provides a much broader and more uniform spectral response for better performance in all atmospheric conditions.
  • Thermopilepyranometers compare favourably to Class A thermopile pyranometers for only a fraction of the cost.
  • Applications of these products include shortwave radiation measurement in agricultural, ecological, and hydrological weather networks; measurement of global solar radiation; and optimization of photovoltaic systems. The upward- and downward-looking thermopile models can also be used to create an albedometer.
  • Pyranometer Sensor with Handheld Meter Model MP-100 & MP-200
  • Pyranometer Sensor with MicroCache Bluetooth Logger Package PP-500& PP-100
  • Albedometer Sensor Package (Including Upward & Downward Sensor) Model SP-710-SS
  • Product Details : Click Here
Net Radiometer :
  • The four-component net radiometer consists of blackbody pyranometer and pyrgeometer pairs that face both upwards and downwards to provide incoming and outgoing shortwave and longwave radiation measurements.
  • Each individual sensor measures the four separate components of net radiation for best accuracy.
  • Digital Output : An on-board 24-bit A to D converter processes the signals from the individual sensors and transmits the data via a digital SDI-12 output. The net radiiometers are also available with Modbus RS-232/RS-485 communications protocols. Users can choose to output net radiation, net longwave radiation, net shortwave radiation, or each component sensor's individual readings. The digital output option eliminates the need for multiple analog datalogger channels to measure the four components of net radiation.
  • Applications : Net radiation is a key variable in surface energy balance and influences turbulent fluxes, including evapotranspiration. Applications of the net radiometers also include measurements taken on flux towers and weather stations.
  • Product Details : Click Here