Plant Monitoring Station

IoT Plant Monitoring Station :

  • IoT Nodesand SNiPs (Sensor-Node IoT Packages) Logger enable accurate real-time measurement of a range of plant’s parameter as per their experiment/project requirement to monitoring plant health and stress effect against various climatic/nutritional conditions etc.
  • Measurement parameters: Leaf and Canopy temperature; Leaf wetness; PAR/Quantum; NDVI, Soil Moisture, Soil Temp. Sap flow(Transpiration); VPD, Water potential; Dendrometry and, lysimeters.
  • Each Nodes/Logger comes with inbuilt rechargeable li-ion battery, 10W Solar panel and Online communication (LoRaWAN or CAT-M1/NB-IoT) to online access to view all parameters.
Product Details : Click Here