Overhead Shaker(Soil)

Overhead Shaker(Soil) :

Overhead Shaker :
  • Isused to homogenize soil samples. For this purpose, several sample containers can be clamped between two metal mesh baskets, which rotate around a rigid rotation axis at a continuously adjustable speed of up to 50 revolutions per minute. The current speed is shown on a digital display.
  • The constant movement ensures that the sample contents are mixed homogeneously, which is, among other things, a preparation for using the samples for KÖHN analysis, but also the starting point for many chemical analyses.
  • The overhead shaker from UGT is characterized by the large number of sample spaces. In the standard version, 72 sample bottles of 100 ml each or 60 sample bottles of 250 ml each can be clamped into a magazine.
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