Other Chlorophyll Fluorometer

Other Chlorophyll Fluorometer(For specific application) :

P700, Plastocyanin, Ferredoxin & Chlorophyll Fluorescence Measuring System Model DUAL-KLAS-NIR :
  • The DUAL-KLAS-NIR represents a significant advancement over the well-established DUAL-PAM-100 system. The DUAL-PAM-100 employs one pair of wavelengths in the near infrared (NIR) to measure absorption changes related to redox changes of the photosystem I reaction center. Using four wavelength pairs in the NIR, the DUAL-KLAS-NIR is capable of unequivocally discriminating redox changes of plastocyanin (PC), PS I reaction center (P700) and ferredoxin (Fd).
  • The simultaneous measurement of two fluorescence signals, and the redox states of plastocyanin, P700 and ferredoxin allow the user to characterize the whole electron transport chain in a single measurement.
  • The DUAL-KLAS-NIR is the only instrument that can split the NIR-signals (real time) into P700, ferredoxin and plastocyanin contributions.
  • Gives estimates of P700 to plastocyanin and P700 to ferredoxin ratios and thereby of pool sizes.
  • By applying an innovative analytical approach, the DUAL-KLAS-NIR acquires the in vivo spectral characteristics of pure PC, P700 and Fd. This spectral information allows the user to monitor online the redox changes of P700, PC and Fd, and to determine ratios of PC/P700 and Fd/P700.
  • The DUAL-KLAS-NIR is also a PAM chlorophyll fluorometer. The device can excite fluorescence by green or blue PAM measuring light. Green light penetrates deeper than blue light into the leaf. Thus, green-excited fluorescence includes information from deeper leaf layers and, thus, is well-suited for comparison with the NIR absorption measurements, which always probe the entire leaf.
  • Product Details : Click Here
Multiple Excitation Wavelength Chlorophyll Fluorescence Analyzer Model MULTI-COLOR-PAM :
  • The MULTI-COLOR-PAM fluorometer is optimized for highly sensitive assessment of photosynthesis in dilute suspensions of algae, cyanobacteria and chloroplasts. In addition, the measuring system can be configured to study leaf photosynthesis and epidermal UV-A screening.
  • Data analysis by the MULTI-COLOR-PAM fluorometer includes the option to determine the wavelength-dependent functional PS II absorption cross-section, Sigma(II)λ, and absolute PS II turnover rates, ETR(II)λ. In addition, the MULTI-COLOR-PAM software provides standard saturation pulse quenching analysis and methods for analysis of fast fluorescence changes including polyphasic rise kinetics and dark relaxation of fluorescence with a time resolution of 10 μs.
  • The MULTI-COLOR-PAM provides 6colors of pulse-modulated measuring light (400, 440, 480, 540, 590 and 625 nm) and 5 colors of actinic light (440, 480, 540, 590, 625). In addition, white (420-640 nm) and far-red light (730 nm) light sources are built in.
  • Ideal for fast kinetic measurements of reaction center closure and opening, and carotenoid radicals (HIQ).
  • Special configuration available to measure epidermal UV-A screening.
  • Product Details : Click Here
High-performance Field and Laboratory Chlorophyll Fluorometer Model PAM-2500 :
  • The PAM-2500 chlorophyll fluorometer continues the line of portable PAM fluorometers which started in the 1990s with the well-known PAM-2000/2100 instruments. The PAM-2500 has been completely newly developed using state-of-the-art technology. Its area of application ranges from saturation pulse analysis of photosynthesis to polyphasic fluorescence rise kinetics (OJIP).
  • The PAM-2500 chlorophyll fluorometer is an extremely compact and powerful measuring system. All optical and electronic components are located in a 23 cm x 10.5 cm x 10.5 cm housing. Different from previous portable PAM fluorometers, high-performance LEDs are employed for saturation pulses permitting quasi-rectangular light intensity changes.
  • Latest generation light-emitting diodes for all light sources
  • Red and blue actinic light. Strong far-red LED light source
  • Fastest portable PAM fluorometer available with 10 μs time resolution
  • High sensitivity to measure dilute suspensions of algae and cyanobacteria
  • Product Details : Click Here
Underwater Fluorometer with Miniature Spectrometer Model DIVING-PAM-II
  • The launch of the DIVING-PAM underwater fluorometer started the era of PAM fluorescence analysis of photosynthetic organisms in their natural habitat. The second-generation underwater fluorometer, the DIVING-PAM-II, extents this era with the latest technology.
  • The DIVING-PAM-II exclusively uses LEDs as internal light sources, which permits exact timing of switching processes, and prevents overheating by continuous illumination. A built-in PAR sensor continuously records the intensity of internal light. An energy-efficient B/W screen shows data and settings numerically and graphically.
  • The DIVING-PAM-II system includes a Miniature Spectrometer MINI-SPEC to measures spectra of PAR, which vary significantly with water depth. The total external PAR is automatically calculated. The spectrometer also permits spectral analyses of the sample’s fluorescence emission and reflectance.
  • Product Details : Click Here
Multiple Excitation Wavelength Phytoplankton & Photosynthesis Analyzer Model PHYTO-PAM-II :
  • PHYTO-PAM instruments facilitate measurements of mixed algae populations for analysis of composition and differences in the photosynthetic performance of up to four algae groups within one sample. These four phytoplankton groups have antennae with different spectral properties. Deconvolution is based on differences in the fluorescence emission induced by multiple wavelength excitation.
  • The instruments feature extremely sensitive fluorescence detection down to a concentration of 0.1 µg Chl a/l; concentrations that are typically found in natural surface waters or coastal seawater.
  • Differential analysis of the sample by PAM measurements such as saturation pulse quenching analysis, determination of effective PS II quantum yield, light response curves, and induction curves provide comprehensive data on the photosynthetic performance of the diverse algae. Additionally, a fast kinetics mode for assessment of the wavelength-dependent absorption cross section of PS II, σII(λ), based on the evaluation of the O-I1 kinetics is provided for single cultures.
  • PHYTO-PAM-II chlorophyll fluorometers feature five measuring light wavelengths (440, 480, 540, 590 and 625 nm) for simultaneous excitation and deconvolution of four algae groups. The same five colors plus white are provided for actinic illumination and determination of wavelength-dependent absorption cross-section.
  • Product Details : Click Here
Chlorophyll Fluorometer for Phytoplankton Model WATER-PAM-II :
  • It can be used for laboratory cultures as well as natural water samples when very low chlorophyll contents of samples require ultra-sensitive fluorescence detection.
  • The WATER-PAM-II is a portable cuvette system for analyzing the photosynthetic activity of a wide variety of phytoplankton samples. The lightweight instrumentcan be used in plenty of applications thanks to its large sensitivity spectrum, the ability to easily switch between red and blue light mode (measuring light and actinic light) and a variety of accessories such as a flow-through cuvette.
  • With the WATER-PAM-II a detailed analysis can be made of the photosynthetic activity of phytoplankton samples, including quenching parameters. It can be used as a stand-alone instrument or connected to an external computer running WinControl-3 software. In addition to simple single measurements, analysis protocols such as induction curves and light curves can be performed with easy-to-use program routines.
  • With the WATER-PAM-II a detailed analysis can be made of the photosynthetic activity of phytoplankton samples, including quenching parameters. It can be used as a stand-alone instrument or connected to an external computer running WinControl-3 software. In addition to simple single measurements, analysis protocols such as induction curves and light curves can be performed with easy-to-use program routines.
  • Product Details : Click Here