Multi-site Chlorophyll Fluorometer

Multi-site Chlorophyll Fluorometer Model MICRO-PAM :

  • The chlorophyll fluorometer MICRO-PAM is designed for long-term monitoring and multi-site monitoring of chlorophyll fluorescence of leaf.
  • Measured parameters: Fo, Fm, Fo’ (calculated), Fm’, Fv/Fm, qP, qL, qN, NPQ, Y(II), Y(NPQ), Y(NO), ETR, Leaf Temperature, Relative Humidity(RH) etc.
  • A MICRO-PAM system involves several light-weight chlorophyll fluorometers for field use. Being capable of multi-site monitoring of photosynthesis over weeks and months, the MICRO-PAM is tailored to study plant responses to environmental changes in nature and under controlled conditions.
  • The measuring heads of a MICRO-PAM system are denoted as MICRO-HEAD/3B where the “3” specifies the diameter in mm of the light guide and the "B" stands for the blue color of measuring and actinic light.
  • The MICRO-HEAD/3B possesses a blue power LED with maximum emission at 465 nm and a full width at half maximum of 22 nm. The maximum actinic light intensity at sample level is 3000 μmol m-2 s-1, the maximum saturation pulse intensity is 8000 μmol m-2 s-1.
  • The MICRO-HEAD/3B is equipped with a sample clip. A cosine-response PAR sensor is positioned parallel to the sample plane. A thermocouple touching the lower sample side measures temperature. Humidity is measured by a capacitive-type sensor located inside the fluorometer housing.
  • MICRO-PAM systems can be operated in the ONLINE configuration in which up to four measuring heads can be connected via the MONI-IB4/LAN PC Interface Box to an USB port of a Windows computer running WinControl-3. In the OFFLINE configuration, measuring heads are connected directly or via the so-called MINI-HUB to a MONI-DA data acquisition system.
  • Product Details : Click Here