Ku-pf Apparatus

Ku-pF Apparatus :

Ku-pF ApparatusModel MP-10 :
  • The ku-pf MP10 is a laboratory device for the automated determination of the unsaturated hydraulic conductivity ku and the pF curve (water tension curve) using the evaporation method on up to 10 sampling cylinder samples at the same time. The device is designed to use the UGT piercing cylinder with an internal volume of 250 cm³ and a cross-sectional area of 41 cm². These piercing cylinders have holes arranged exactly at a height difference of 3 cm for inserting the tensiometers . However, they can also be used to obtain samples independently of the ku-pF apparatus.
  • The filled piercing cylinders are placed on sieve plates, saturated and sealed at the base in the carrier basket for the test run. The gradient resulting from evaporation on the free soil surface is recorded by two tensiometers, and the associated water content or flow rate is recorded by periodic weighing. The Tensio 130 tensiometers with a particularly small ceramic candle (Ø = 6.5 mm / L = 20 mm) deliver precise measurements with minimal disruption to the floor. The acrylic head with vent screw makes air bubbles easy to identify and eliminate.
Application :
  • ku-pf apparatus to perform the evaporation and imbibition tests,
  • Evaporation experiments for the determination of hydraulic properties of peat and other organic soils
  • Effects of Temperature Change on the Soil Water Characteristic Curve and a Prediction Model

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