Chlorophyll Fluorescence Imaging-PAM

Chlorophyll Fluorescence Imaging-PAM(Mobile) :
  • Chlorophyll fluorescence Imaging system is based on world proven PAM technique for the study of quantitative information on the quantum yield of photosynthetic energy conversion using PAM fluorometry and the saturation pulse method.
  • A wide range of photosynthetic parameters derived from fluorescence measurements, giving insight into the physiological state of all photosynthetically active organisms, including higher plants, mosses and ferns as well as various types of Algae, phytoplankton and biofilms.
  • Using highly sensitive CCD cameras and extremely strong light emitting diodes (LED) measure images of chlorophyll fluorescence and provide all relevant chlorophyll fluorescence parameters, images of photosynthetic activity and spatio-temporal variations.
  • All images provide 17 different parameters including: Ft, F, Fo, Fm, Fm’, Fv/Fm, Y(II), Y(NPQ), Y(NO), NPQ/4, qN, qL, qP,PS/50, Abs. PAR-absorptivity, ETR, Live Video; Light Curve, Induction Curveand Recovery etc.
  • The fluorescence parameter Ft is continuously monitored. Fo and Fm are assessed after dark adaptation, serving as reference for fluorescence quenching analysis by the saturation pulse method.
  • The IMAGING-PAM family comprises the versions MAXI, MINI and MICROSCOPY. The different versions employ the same Multi Control Unit IMAG-CG. Also, the same camera can be used for different versions. This modularity permits easy and most cost-effective switching between various applications and magnifications provided by the IMAGING-PAM M-Series.
  • The MAXI and MINI versions can be combined with the Portable Photosynthesis System Model GFS-3000 and thus, integrates detailed spatial information on photosynthesis with exact analysis of photosynthetic carbon fixation.
  • Most recently, an advanced method to create three-dimensional plant images has been added to the MAXI version. This new configuration opens the way to project data of fluorescence analysis on the three-dimensional plant image so that photosynthesis can be analyzed in the context of whole plant architecture.
  • The MAXI version of the IMAGING-PAM M-Series employs a very compact and powerful 300 W LED array for the homogeneous illumination of 10 x 13 cm areas (microtiter plates) with pulse-modulated excitation, actinic light and saturation pulses.
  • Two different CCD-cameras are available. For high sensitivity applications the IMAG-K6 (2/3" chip, 1392 x 1040 pixels with 4-pixel-binning) is recommended. For standard applications the IMAG-K7 (1/2" chip, 640 x 480 pixel) is available, which can be used in conjunction with the powerful K7-MAX/Z zoom objective (F1.0/f=8-48mm). So the system features an imaged area from 10 x 13 cm stageless down to 13 x 22 mm at constant resolution.
  • A special mounting stand with eye protection is recommended for most applications (IMAG-MAX/GS), which features a red Perspex hood, through which the red chlorophyll fluorescence can be observed.
  • Due to its compact design, the MINI version is well suited for field applications. As the imaged area is much smaller than that of the MAXI version (17 x magnification of the area at the same resolution), maximal light intensities are higher, whereas power consumption is lower. For this reason the MINI version can easily be used as handy alternative for being independent from mains power or when higher magnifications are needed.
  • The red and the blue MINI Imaging measuring heads can also be mounted on the standard measuring Head 3010-S of the Portable Photosynthesis System Model GFS-3000 so that the ImagingWin software can directly communicate with the GFS-Win gas exchange software for control and the exchange of data.
IMAGING-PAM 3D Version :
  • Provides additional parameters: Morphologicaldata including leaf height, size, shape, angle, balance point and entire plants (rosette radius, surface area and number of leaves), Plant Area etc.
  • A dedicated tabletop housing offers darkening for 3D and PS-II analysis.
  • Software-controlled turntable enables researchers to measure single potted plants with a rosette of up to 100 mm maximum diameter.
  • Sample position: potted plants (max. diameter 10 cm, height 4-5 cm are held in position vertically on a software-controlled turntable. For the measurement they are rotated four times by 90°, the camera viewing angle is always 0° - vertically from above.
Product Details : Click Here